Krav Maga was designed to be adaptive to fit different applications. Over the years, I've gained a wealth of experience training units from a wide range of protective services in Israel, the US, Europe, and Australia. Training offered is specially tailored to the specific unit I am working with. The guiding principle is that every unit has different missions and unique operating parameters. This requires an instructor with experience to build programs that fit these demands. The basic principles never change but the techniques and drills are highly customisable and adaptable. That's what makes Krav Maga the effective choice for defense professionals around the world.

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Services Provided

  • Single day seminars
  • Multi-day training courses
  • Operator certification programs
  • Instructor certification programs
  • Ongoing training
  • Consulting


Each training module is specifically tailored to meet the client's specific goals. Help us better understand your team.