#11 The Problem With Boxing & BJJ For Self-Defense

This is THE most controversial topic when it comes to self-defense and martial arts. I don't expect you to agree with me. Some of what I say may piss you off. That's ok. Frankly, it doesn't matter if you agree or not as long as it gets you thinking about the topic. In this episode, I go on a solo deep dive into the problems with Boxing, Brazilian Jiujutsu, and Krav Maga when it comes to self-defense. I offer solutions on how these problems can be addressed.

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Sandra Merliere
#10 Marc McYoung - Social Scripts, Process Predators and Serial Killers

Marc MacYoung is a self-defense expert. In fact, he is one of the OGs. He is written multiple books on the topic and is often called to serve as an expert witness in court proceedings that involve self-defense. In my first conversation with Mark, we discussed what you can expect if you have to plead self-defense for use of violence in court. We discussed the important difference between being assertive and being aggressive when it comes to avoiding violence, and we discussed some of the social scripts that potential attackers will use to try and trick you or trap you. But the truth is, we barely scratched the surface. I find Mark one of the more interesting people to talk to, and there are still quite a few questions that were left unanswered. In this episode, we do a deep dive into process predators. Those are the people who will hurt you, trying to gain resources, or worse, those are people who will hurt or kill you for their own amusement. Now, there are no pretty sides to violence, but this is certainly one of the ugliest ones. And if you're looking for nice, neat answers that all tie together and make you feel good, in the end, you're not going to get any of that here. Mark tells it like it is, and he doesn't hold back. He certainly isn't always politically correct, but he's got a great sense of humor, which makes him fun to talk to.

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Sandra Merliere
10 Rules as Survival For Free People

This one is a bit different. If you want to learn about survival and resilience, a good place to start is in the history of the Jewish people. A tiny persecuted minority that have outlasted all of the great empires in the last 3,000 years; the oldest standing culture alive today. In this solo episode, I go biblical and discuss the moral code which has kept my people alive while the great empires have come and gone.

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Ron Engelman
#05 - Tony Blauer - Managing Fear and Adversity

Tony Blauer is a self defense pioneer whose name and expertise are well known in martial arts and MMA circles. He has regularly appeared on the covers of martial arts magazines and is a go-to expert for understanding the neurological responses the body goes through when threatened.

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Ron Engelman